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Monday, December 7, 2009

Move over Pampers & Huggies-

I am now covering Mr. Camlin's butt in cloth. How cute are these?
 How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

I knew that alot of people used them and I really never had an opinion about them, but really how could I w/o trying them for myself.

When I had Camlin, I knew he was going to be my last and I never want to live my life with "what ifs" or "should haves". But like alot of other people really never knew anything about cloth diapers except thats what they used in the olden days. They are so different now.And I have recently been buying different brands, and kinds. But they can grow with Camlin I will never have to buy a different size and just think of the money you save. I should try and add up the cost of diapers from all the kids and see how much that was.....Nah, I would probably make myself sick.
Yes cloth is alot of money up front, but in the long run you save. I bet they are alot more comfortable on him, and better for him.

Thanks to Anna she actually showed me some and wow she had the softest ones. I don't even remember the name of them.
So if you have always been one of those moms, that said "No way I would never use cloth"
I dare you to give it a try and then make your judgment.

Here's a place locally you can get them:

Wynter- if you happen to read this you have got to try cloth!  (Let's see if you call me and actually read my blog)  :)



  1. How are you liking those Bunkins? Those were the first diapers I tried with Skyler too when She was C4's age.


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