I. can.not.believe its so hot here in Georgia. It doesn't feel like November, and surely doesn't seem like Christmas is only 40 days away. And I am not ready for the first time in 6 years. I do not have one single thing for the kids, well actually I do have 1 thing for Cain and yup thats it.
Here's a few pictures of the family-
McKayla & Uncle Craig
Morgan & Dax
Silly Craig showing Annabelle & Dax how to do a head stand.
My Little sleepy boy.
Mckenna & Carly
Crazy Torre ....ummm I guess body slamming Kenz. Nut!
Smart girl..she threw a rock and hit em in the head....hehehe
I just noticed I really didn't get any pictures of my kids. So Kenzi if you got any please email them to me.

Sunday + 75 degree weather = Our family Thanksgiving