I should have returned it to HHGregg when I had the chance. When we first got the oven the bottom part where the drawer is stayed really really hot after it was turned off. Even after an hour.
Camlin stuck his fingers in the little space right above the drawer and got burned. We called the Service Tech he came out, nothing was wrong with the oven.
It holds heat well he said.
No shit! Really....
And he said with the new ovens the heating element is at the bottom, right above the drawer and they would all be like that.
Well now he has burned the top of his hand, and I feel horrible about keeping this piece of shit. My old oven did not do this and as mismatched as it would have been. I should have just kept the old white oven.
I will be contacting Frigidaire about this.
But even if I was getting something out of the bottom drawer and accidentally touched my hand or finger on the top part I would get burned.

I hate this Frigidaire Oven!